The Missions Table

Reaching Access Challenged Nations

Nathan Harrod Episode 14

A veteran missionary of 18 years explains one of the newest strategies of the UPCI for evangelizing unreached people groups in Access Challenged Nations (ACNs).  ACNs are characterized by two or more of the following criteria: Little or no known indigenous apostolic presence, challenging visa and immigration policies, or persecution. 

The extensive ACN network combines a team of researchers with national churches, already appointed missionaries in gateway nations, and even other Christians in different denominations to uncover solutions for penetrating ACNs. 

If you would like to learn more about ACNs or are interested in getting involved in ACN missions, please visit the Short-Term Missions link or email address below:

If you’d like to connect with the TMT team on Twitter or other platforms, check out the links below:

Nathan Harrod, @NathanHarrod
Ryan Paul, @ApostolicPauls
Joshua Tingley, @TingleyJoshua 
Sam Zenobia (Instagram) @snkzenobia